This symbol indicates a term originated or repurposed by Jack Martin Leith.

A synthesis of the creative powers Groundedness (1), Faith (4) and Openness (7) that awakens creative imagination and establishes a channel for the generative impulse named intent. See also Transcend the Mundane.
How the Newcreator becomes a channel for intent
The degenerative counterpart of value. Anti-value is more than dissatisfaction. It manifests as an experience of physical pain or emotional upset arising from a poorly designed or malfunctioning value generator, or from the denial of previously received and possibly taken for granted value. Anti-value generation may be deliberate or unintended.

Read more here: What is value and how is it generated?

If goodwill is an asset, then badwill is a liability. Badwill comes about when customers or other beneficiaries (past, present and potential) make public their experience of anti-value generated by the enterprise. Badwill can play out in the form of decreased revenue, loss of clients or suppliers, loss of market share, or damaged reputation—sometimes so great that it brings about the demise of the enterprise.
A person, group or enterprise gaining some sort of value by virtue of an enterprise’s existence, its activities or the value generators (products, services, facilities etc.) it produces. See also Stakeholder.
Beneficiary group
A cluster of entities that gain value from an enterprise in the same way, such as customers, suppliers or investors.

Read more about beneficiaries, beneficiary groups and beneficiary sets

Beneficiary set
The complete set of beneficiary groups for a given enterprise.

Read more about beneficiaries, beneficiary groups and beneficiary sets

Breakthrough idea
See Idea, breakthrough.
The means available to an individual, group or enterprise for undertaking a specified course of action or for achieving a desired outcome. Based on Wikipedia.

Related article: How capabilities can unleash business performance, by John Hagel, John Seely Brown, and Maggie Wooll, on Deloitte Insights.

Capability and capacity should not be used interchangeably. See Capacity vs. Capability: What’s the Difference? by Caroline Kealey.

See also Potential.

Carlos Castaneda
Anthropologist Carlos Castaneda PhD was born either in Peru in 1925 or in Brazil in 1931. He died in 1998 having written 12 books, most of them chronicling his apprenticeship with don Juan Matus, a Yaqui ‘man of knowledge’. Many people argue that the books are works of fiction and dismiss don Juan as a mythical character. Real or mythical, there is much of value in Castaneda’s books, which are listed below in chronological order (1968–1999):

  1. The Teachings of Don Juan: A Yaqui Way of Knowledge
  2. A Separate Reality
  3. Journey to Ixtlan
  4. Tales of Power
  5. Second Ring of Power
  6. The Eagle’s Gift
  7. The Fire from Within
  8. Power of Silence
  9. The Art of Dreaming
  10. Magical Passes: The Practical Wisdom of the Shamans of Ancient Mexico
  11. The Wheel of Time: The Shamans of Mexico — Their Thoughts About Life, Death and the Universe
  12. The Active Side of Infinity
Carlos Castaneda Interview with Theodore Roszak — 1969
Running time 36:53

Read more about Carlos Castaneda on Mystery Tribune website
Co-creation meeting
See Meeting, co-creation.
An elaborated or fully-formed idea.
Create vs. generate
An enterprise creates a value generator (such as a product or a service) which generates value when the beneficiary interacts with it. An enterprise cannot create value — it can only create value generators.
How value is generated
A modifier similar in meaning to innovation but wider in its embrace. For example, creating this website was a create-the-new project, but few would consider it an innovation project.
Creative power
A person’s innate (see George Land, 1968) ability to manifest that which generates value. The creation could be anything from a conversation or a glossary to a cathedral or a space rocket. See also Power; Value generation capability.
Creative powers, seven
Newcreators have at their disposal seven creative powers, each corresponding with a certain part of the body. They are named Groundedness, Realisation, Materialisation, Faith, Conceptualisation, Imagination, and Openness. Read more about the seven creative powers
Geared toward generating anti-value or thwarting value generation, either deliberately or unintentionally. See also Generative.
Distant from the source. Happening later in a sequence of activities. See also Upstream.
Upstream and downstream
In its secular form, faith is “a critical but curious mind’s readiness to adopt a reality model (even if provisionally) for which there is less than absolute, empirical proof” (Jay B. Gaskill). As one of the Newcreator’s seven creative powers, Faith is an existential commitment of the heart to transcending the mundane, creating the new and enriching the world with value, meaning and joy.

Read about Faith, one of the Newcreator’s seven creative powers

Read about the difference between trust and faith

View a collection of quotes about faith

Meets the design specification. The key fits the lock. View lock-and-key graphic
From growth, fruitfulness and maturation to a state of completeness in which the creation exists in all its glory, being all it can be. Value generation potential fully realised. Intent’s call answered in full.
Generate vs. create
See Create vs. generate.
Geared toward generating value or the creation of value generators. Seeking to create that which improves people’s lives and makes the world a better place. World-enriching. There are two main levels of generative action. Level 1 is action aimed at generating value for others (let someone have a go on your bike). Level 2 is action aimed at creating that which generates value for others, again and again (let them keep your bike). See also Degenerative.
Hill, Napoleon
Napoleon Hill was an American author best known for his book Think and Grow Rich! (1937) — among the best-selling self-help books of all time.

Riches cannot always be measured in money!

Money and material things are essential for freedom of body and mind, but there are some who will feel that the greatest of all riches can be evaluated only in terms of lasting friendships, harmonious family relationships, sympathy and understanding between business associates, and introspective harmony which brings one peace of mind measurable only in spiritual values!

Napoleon Hill, Think and Grow Rich! 1938 edition published by The Ralston Society, Meriden, Conn., USA
Read more about Napoleon Hill and Think and Grow Rich!
A credible definition of holism must itself be holistic, but the limitations of language make this impossible. Holistic is the converse of reductionist. See also Reductionism; Wholeness. Read the article What does holistic mean?
In contrast to a concept, an idea is a raw thought, notion, proposition, suggestion or plan, often prompted by a tacit or explicit question. An idea can be conceived at several levels of abstraction. Here are examples in response to the question How might we bring Newcreate to people’s attention?

  • Website (level = general).
  • Social networking website (intermediate).
  • Social networking website built on BuddyBoss Platform (specific).

Idea, breakthrough
A breakthrough idea is one that is both potent (it displays the potential to generate extensive or exceptional value) and fitting (the key fits the lock).
A breakthrough idea is potent and fitting
Read about the Newcreate way of conceiving breakthrough ideas
Imagination, creative
“Through the faculty of creative imagination, the finite mind of man has direct communication with Infinite Intelligence. It is the faculty through which ‘hunches’ and ‘inspirations’ are received. It is by this faculty that all basic, or new ideas are handed over to man.” Source: Think and Grow Rich! by Napoleon Hill.
Imagination, synthetic
“Through the faculty of synthetic imagination, one may arrange old concepts, ideas, or plans into new combinations. This faculty creates nothing. It merely works with the material of experience, education, and observation with which it is fed. It is the faculty used most by the inventor, with the exception of he who draws upon the creative imagination, when he cannot solve his problem through synthetic imagination.” Source: Think and Grow Rich! by Napoleon Hill.
Read more about synthetic and creative forms of imagination
Something that causes something to happen or happen more quickly; an impetus. View source
An impelling force or motion. View source
Infinite intelligence
A term used by Napoleon Hill, similar in meaning to intent but with hints of a Judeo-Christian notion of God. Read more about Infinite Intelligence
The generative impulse that streams from the unmanifest into the manifest through the gap in time. Don Juan Matus, the teacher of Carlos Castaneda, describes intent as “the force that creates and animates the universe”. Intent has two aspects. One is the originating aspect, which is concerned with initiating new creations. The other is the fulfilling aspect, which is concerned with bringing creations to fullness. See also 147; Transcend the Mundane.

Warriors know that intent is the abstract, the element that propels the warrior; intent is the flow of things, intent is the pervasive force that causes us to perceive; power; the force that permeates everything; intent is what makes the world.

Source: Creative Victory by Tomas
Intent is not synonymous with purpose. Intent is purpose. It is unrelated to strategic intent and is different from intention.

Read more about intent — what it is and what it is not

A shrewdly-designed action or set of actions taken in order to bring about a shift from Now (the current state of affairs) to New (the desired state). Read more about Now-to-New

Learn this:
There is only one certainty, and that is joy.
Everything can be explained: joy has no explanation.
We cannot explain why we are joyful.
Joy is our task.
What you receive is a source of joy for the joyless.

Source: Talking with Angels; oral text by Hanna Dallos; transcription and commentary by Gitta Mallasz
View this excerpt in context
Read more about joy
Laity, the
That part of the economy in which individuals or groups are engaged in create-the-new projects on their own account and not under the auspices of an employer organisation. Here are some examples of such projects: establishing a YouTube channel, seeking to reopen a local train station or railway line, setting up a community radio station, revitalising a struggling community, and starting a business or nonprofit organisation,
Manifest, the
The universe and all it contains. Everything that exists. The created world. The manifest is dimensioned (located in spacetime), describable and knowable. See also the Unmanifest.
Matus, don Juan
Don Juan Matus, the teacher of Carlos Castaneda, was a Yaqui ‘man of knowledge’ from northern Mexico. Many consider him a fictional character but, real or mythical, he offers much wisdom.
McGilchrist, Iain
Dr Iain McGilchrist is a psychiatrist, neuroscience researcher, philosopher and literary scholar, best known for his work on the differences between the left and right hemispheres of the brain and their impact on our perception of and interaction with the world.. He is the author of several books, notably The Master and His Emissary: The Divided Brain and the Making of the Western World and The Matter with Things: Our Brains, Our Delusions, and the Unmaking of the World.

Read more about Iain McGilchrist and his theory of brain hemisphere differences

That which makes life and work truly worthwhile. Source: Edward Matchett.
A felt connection to self, others and the world. Source: Kaleb, founder of the Kompendium Project.
Read more about meaning
Meeting, co-creation
A collaborative gathering taking place over half a day, an entire day or several days, and usually forming part of a broader programme of work aimed at solving a pressing problem, effecting a desired change or bringing into being something new that will generate value for customers or users and other beneficiaries. Such a meeting brings together diverse stakeholders, often in large numbers (the upper limit being constrained only by the capacity of the preferred venue) and with widely-differing agendas and perspectives, in order to discuss issues of heartfelt concern, share ideas, pool knowledge, explore possibilities and devise plans for sustained collaborative action.

Read more about co-creation meetings

Meta generator
A meta generator 1 is a producer of value generators (products, services etc.) — typically an enterprise. A meta generator 2 is a producer of meta generators, such as an entrepreneur. View graphic
Mundane, Transcend the
Transcend the Mundane is a superpower formed of three of the seven creative powers: Faith, Openness and Groundedness. Transcending the mundane means breaking free from the confines of mundane world, entering primal world, activating creative imagination and channelling intent.

Read more about the superpower Transcend the Mundane

See also Mundane world; Primal world, 147.

Mundane world (left hemisphere, leftside, first attention, the tonal)
The everyday world, a default reality where people spend most of their waking lives. A world of descriptions. If something can be named, described and explained, it’s part of mundane world. Mundane world is the sum total of everything we know and everything the rational mind can imagine.

The first attention basically consists of everything that ordinary man considers it means to be human. It is the reality that has been constructed and developed in order to deal with the daily world and encompasses an awareness restricted to the physical body.

Lorraine Voss, Female Warrior (view)
Read more about mundane world

See also Primal world; Transcend the Mundane.

Nagual, the
Pronounced “nah-wa’hl”. Rightside, primal world, second attention. Pure perception. The nagual cannot be explained, it can only be experienced. Don Juan Matus explains the nature of the tonal and the nagual in The Totality of Oneself: the tonal and the nagual, excerpted from Tales of Power by Carlos Castaneda. See also Mundane world; Primal world; Tonal.
An ‘enrich the world’ way of thinking, doing and being. Newcreate can be used as an adjective synonymous with create-the-new (as in Newcreate project for example), create-the-new being similar in meaning to innovation but wider in its embrace.
Newcreate project
A project aimed at enriching the world with value, meaning and joy in answer to intent’s call.
A person devoted to answering intent’s call to transcend the mundane, create the new and enrich the world with value, meaning and joy.
A way of thinking and talking about turning the present situation (Now) into what is needed instead (New). A blanket term covering seven main types of work:

  • Creating products, services, facilities, enterprises, work practices, anything.
  • Problem solving in order to restore the status quo.
  • Changing the current situation into what is needed instead.
  • Surmounting a tough challenge.
  • Responding to a request or demand.
  • Developing — increasing value generation capability or value generation potential.
  • Realising value generation potential.
The categories are neither mutually exclusive nor collectively exhaustive.

Newcreators and others with a Now-to-New disposition regard problem solving and change work as create-the-new work.

Read more about Now-to-New

A group of people who work together in an organised way for a shared purpose. Source: Cambridge Dictionary.
Having great power, force, influence or effect. To the Newcreator, it means showing the potential to generate extensive (widespread) or exceptional (hard or impossible to acquire by other means) downstream value.
Possible future yield, given favourable conditions.

See also Capability.

Agency. “The capability of doing or accomplishing something.” – Random House Kernerman Webster’s College Dictionary via The Free Dictionary. In the Toltec realm, power is another name for intent. See also Creative power; Value generation capability.
Primal world (right hemisphere, rightside, second attention, the nagual)
An indescribable place of pure perception. This world cannot be explained or proved to exist; it can only be experienced. Primal world is raw reality, untamed, unfiltered, uncodified and unconceptualised. When you are immersed in primal world, you are able to channel intent, the generative impulse that streams from the unmanifest into the manifest through the gap in time, activating creative imagination and infusing your work with purpose, vitality, meaning and joy,

Read more about primal world

See also Mundane world.

Readiness work
Readiness work enables Newcreators to prime themselves for the appearance of a potent and fitting idea by becoming immersed in the demands and dynamics of the project and having a felt sense of the new reality in which the envisioned value will arise. Readiness work enables a group to access creative imagination.

Read more about Readiness work

An attempt or tendency to explain a complex set of facts, entities, phenomena, or structures by another, simpler set. Source: American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. The converse of reductionist is holistic.
Sensemaking / sense-making
Sense-making is about understanding the world in a way that allows us to take meaningful action. Source: Dave Snowden, The Cynefin Company (formerly Cognitive Edge).
Service, unconditional
Selfless action taken for the benefit of others, motivated by a fervent desire to enrich the world. When we give unconditional service, we help others without wanting anything in return. Coming from the heart, unconditional service is unconditional love made manifest through generative action. In essence, intent and love are different words for the same phenomenon.

The essential discipline for producing intelligent change and progress, necessary new patterns and new orders of things and ideas; not a formula for perpetuating proven patterns and orders. It is not merely the causal agent of external change and progress, but also of important radical internal developments, up to full maturity, and being truly wise. Self reliance is exchanged in each new moment of Sophiagenic application for a total reliance on Creation itself: the one source that has structured and empowered all the organisms of nature since the ‘big bang.’ The continued practice of Sophiagenics converts logic-bred thinking into an exact instinct and illumination, in which ‘media’ (the perpetual emanations and creative action of the one source of Creation) and matter (existing creation) combine naturally and organically to make and extend meaning in and for each new moment.

Edward Matchett, via The DuVersity.


The animating force throughout creation. An unseen force that is life, the divine, the nagual, the light. To live a spiritual life is to identify oneself as the animator of creation, rather than as creation.

Allan Hardman, The Everything Toltec Wisdom Book | Sample 48 pages on Google Books

An individual or group that has an interest in any decision or activity of an organisation. Source: American Society for Quality. See also Beneficiary.
Strategy is how you overcome the obstacles that stand between where you are and what you want to achieve. Source: Richard Rumelt, Why bad strategy is a ‘social contagion’, on McKinsey & Company website.
Superpowers, three
The seven creative powers combine to form three superpowers: Transcend the Mundane (Openness + Faith + Groundedness), Enrich the World (Imagination + Realisation), and Create the New (Conceptualisation + Materialisation). Transcend the Mundane must be activated in order to activate Enrich the World and Create the New.

Read more about the seven creative powers and three superpowers


A system is a whole that consists of parts — each of which can affect the system’s behaviour or properties. The parts of a system are interdependent — therefore no part or collection of parts of a system has an independent effect on it. A system is therefore a whole that cannot be divided into independent parts. The essential or defining properties of any system are properties of the whole — which none of its parts have. A system is not the sum of the behaviour of its parts — it’s a product of their interactions. If you were to select the best parts from all the models of automobile in the world, you could not assemble them into the world’s best automobile — in fact you couldn’t create an automobile at all, because the parts don’t fit together. It is foolish to seek to improve the quality of a part of the system unless the quality of the system as a whole is simultaneously improved.

Source: Russell Ackoff, If Russ Ackoff had given a TED Talk (video; 12:18). summarised by Geoff Marlow
“System is illusory. All systems we fancy we observe in nature are merely constructions of the observer, and the ‘interconnected web’ or ‘system’ view of the universe is no more than a fairy tale.” Source: James Wilk, unpublished manuscript, emphasis mine. See also Wholeness.
“Man or woman of knowledge. The Toltecs were ancient sorcerer-seers, the receivers and holders of mysteries.” Source: Creative Victory, by Tomas. There is also an era in Mexican history that is called Toltec, but these are not connected. Source: Théun Mares (view). See also don Juan Matus.
Tonal, the
Pronounced “toh-na’hl”. Leftside, first attention, mundane world. The sum total of everything we know and everything the rational mind can imagine. Don Juan Matus explains the nature of the tonal and the nagual in The Totality of Oneself: the tonal and the nagual, excerpted from Tales of Power by Carlos Castaneda. See also Nagual; Mundane world; Primal world.
To rise above or go beyond the ordinary limits of.
Unmanifest, the
The source of everything that exists, has existed and could exist. Infinite possibility. The creating world. The unmanifest is dimensionless (not located in spacetime), indescribable and unknowable. See also the Manifest.
Closer to the source. Happening earlier in a sequence of activities. See also Downstream.

Upstream and downstream

Tangible or intangible benefit. The three main forms of value are economic value, conceptual value, and experienced value. On this website, I mostly talk about experienced value, which encompasses meaning and joy. Value is not delivered as if by FedEx. It is co-created when the beneficiary (e.g. consumer or user) interacts with the value generator (product, service etc.). See Wikipedia: Service-dominant logic and Evolving to a New Dominant Logic for Marketing (pdf; 18 pages) by Stephen L. Vargo and Robert F. Lusch.

Read more elsewhere on this website: What is value and how is it generated?

Value, functional
The kind of value you only notice when it is absent — generally, you only notice the anti-value that is generated when functional value is absent. “Salt is the stuff that makes potatoes taste horrible if you don’t put any in,” —Dr. D. J. Stewart.

Read more here: What is value and how is it generated?

Value generation capability
The means available to an individual, group or enterprise for generating value or creating that which generates value.

See also Creative power; Power.

Value generation potential
The value a value generator (product, service, facility, event, establishment, artistic work etc.) or meta generator (an enterprise for example), could be generating when conditions are favourable. Potential is the what (the possible future yield) and capability is the how (skilled people, equipment, money and other means).
Value generator
Something tangible or intangible that produces experienced value when the user interacts with it, such as a product, service, facility (this website, for instance), event (conference, party, festival), establishment (museum, theatre, restaurant), or artistic work (book, song, piece of music, painting, theatrical production). Academics Stephen Vargo and Robert Lusch, co-originators of service-dominant logic, use the term appliance in the same way that I use value generator.
How value is generated
Vision of realised potential
A depiction — an actual picture accompanied by a vivid and compelling synopsis — of how the world will look, sound and feel when the person, group or enterprise is fully utilising its value generation capability and manifesting its intent without constraint.
“One who has been led by power [intent] to an apprenticeship in the warriors’ way; it is an honor and a pleasure to be a warrior and it is the fortune of warriors to do what they must do;  warriors are true thinkers and abstract sorcerers; warriors are human beings in direct contact with the spirit [intent].” Source: Tomas, from the glossary forming part of Creative Victory, a discourse on the collected works of Carlos Castaneda.
“An undivided or unbroken completeness or totality with nothing wanting.” Source: The Free Dictionary. Wholeness is all-encompassing, transcending the dualistic nature of mundane reality, and cannot be reduced to parts (see Holistic). Neither can it be reduced to a pithy definition or distilled into an elegant concept. “The Tao that can be told is not the eternal Tao.” Lau Tzu.
Seeking to generate significant value for customers or users, other beneficiaries and wider society.
An individual’s set of fundamental beliefs and organising principles; his or her unquestioned assumptions about the nature of reality and the human place in it. A worldview is like the operating system in a computer, controlling operations behind the scenes but mostly outside the user’s awareness. When someone upgrades his or her worldview, certain things that were previously impossible become possible, and some things that were difficult become easy. Generally, a new worldview does not replace the old one, but subsumes it. Read more: How our worldviews are evolving
Evolution of worldviews, by Jack Martin Leith

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