Beneficiaries, beneficiary groups and beneficiary sets
Quotes about brainstorming and related matters
Why brainstorming does not form part of Newcreate work
Co-creation meeting formats: how to modify them in order to honour the Max4 Principle
Creative Victory: Reflections on the Process of Power from the Collected Works of Carlos Castaneda
Edward Matchett
Edward Matchett: industrial design and create-the-new pioneer
Experiencing divine wisdom in ordinary living, by Edward Matchett
Faith, one of the seven creative powers
Iain McGilchrist
The Future of Humanity conference, 26 October 2024, London
Iain McGilchrist and his theory of brain hemisphere differences
Resources: books, papers, transcripts, events, Channel McGilchrist
Understanding The Matter with Things: Dialogues | 29-episode video collection in which Iain McGilchrist and Àlex Gómez-Marín discuss The Matter with Things, chapter by chapter
Videos and podcasts featuring Iain McGilchrist and his work
Quotes about the power of creative imagination
The two forms of imagination: creative and synthetic
Quotes about intent and the two worlds (mundane and primal)
Transcend the mundane and become a channel for intent
Jack Martin Leith
Jobs-to-be-Done Theory and the Value Proposition Canvas
The Max4 Principle
How to modify co-creation meeting formats in order to honour the Max4 Principle
The Max4 Principle: The maximum group size for a proper conversation is four
How does Newcreate compare with design thinking?
How Newcreators use mind, body and spirit to create the new and enrich the world
How to put Newcreate into practice
Newcreate and other create-the-new methods
Newcreate basics in 28 downloadable slides
The Newcreate way of conceiving breakthrough ideas
Some questions about Newcreate answered
Now-to-New: a brief introduction
Now-to-New: how the term came into being
Readiness work sets the create-the-new project in motion
Seven creative powers and three superpowers
Talking with Angels — origin and themes
The Tell–Sell–Test–Consult–Co-create model
The three create-the-new work modes: creating alone, creating together and helping others create
The truly new comes from nothing
How to specify the value your new creation will generate
Value — what is it and how is it generated?
Woodrow Wilson and his “enrich the world” address in full
Worldviews — how they are evolving
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