Newcreate is an ‘enrich the world’ way of thinking, doing and being.
Newcreators use mind, body and spirit to transcend the mundane, create the new and enrich the world with value, meaning and joy.
Learn more about Newcreate by flipping through these 30 slides:
Now-to-New: a Newcreate core concept
Now-to-New refers to a shift from the present situation (Now) to what is needed instead (New).
There are seven kinds of Now-to-New work, which are are neither mutually exclusive nor collectively exhaustive:
Creating Bringing something new into being.
Transforming problems Restoring and increasing value generation capability.
Changing Shifting from the current state of affairs to the desired state.
Surmounting Overcoming an overwhelming or seemingly impossible challenge.
Responding Fulfilling a request or demand.
Developing Increasing value generation capability or value generation potential.
Realising potential Utilising value generation capability or realising value generation potential.
In each case, close attention is given to the downstream value to be generated.
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The seven kinds of Now-to-New workThe two forms of imagination: creative and synthetic
Transcend the mundane: what, why and how
How Newcreators use mind, body and spirit to create the new and enrich the world
Index to entire site (60+ pages)