Read about the seven creative powers Read about the power of Faith Read about the power of Groundedness Read about the power of Openness Read about the power of Imagination Read about the power of Materialisation Read about the power of Realisation Read about the power of Conceptualisation Read about the three superpowers Read about the superpower Enrich the World Read about the superpower Transcend the Mundane Read about the superpower Create the New
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Newcreators are able to deploy three superpowers as they go about their work of enriching the world with value, meaning and joy:

Activation of Transcend the Mundane is a prerequisite for activating the other superpowers

You can read more about this in the article Transcend the mundane: what, why and how.

The superpower Transcend the Mundane is a synthesis of the creative powers Openness, Faith and Groundedness.

Transcend the Mundane, the Newcreator's predominant superpower

The power of Faith

For the Newcreator, faith — of the kind described below by Jay B. Gaskill and Peter A. Georgescu — is paramount.

Faith is a much-abused term, often derided in modern secular circles as the blind obedience to some arbitrary authority. But it has a wiser and more useful meaning: faith as a critical but curious mind’s readiness to adopt a reality model (even if provisionally) for which there is less than absolute, empirical proof. I propose that this kind of faith is the necessary adaptation by any rational mind to the challenges of life in the real world in which reality presents us with far too much, far too quickly. Events, personalities and relationships that carry embedded meaning and value are not the sorts of existents that can pass any rigid absolute-empirical-proof test.

All trust relationships contain a measure of faith.  So when the term faith is used in this essay, it refers to reasonable faith, as in the faith that is necessary for a reasonable mind to operate in the real world.  Faith in this sense requires courage.  Reasonable faith is heuristic in the sense that it is only by means of growing trust that we can open ourselves to the full range of knowledge that the universe presents to us.

There is a faith path from Isaac Newton through Baruch Spinoza to Albert Einstein that has propelled the scientific enterprise: Each of these great minds was moved by the faith-based conviction that the universe has been endowed with an elegant underlying deign, so miraculously intelligible to human intelligence that scientists are justified in doggedly pursuing its secrets.

Jay B. Gaskill, The Dialogic Imperative

Faith represents an existential commitment of the heart, a way of life, a set of behaviors and emotional responses woven into every hour of everyday life — expressed through constant choices both when alone and in social situations.

Peter A. Georgescu, Faith isn’t irrational, but beliefs may be, on Huffington Post | Peter A. Georgescu is Chairman Emeritus of advertising agency network Young & Rubicam, Inc.
Faith is a precondition for activating the three superpowers
Faith is a precondition for activating the three superpowers.

Without faith, the superpower Transcend the Mundane will remain dormant, because the rational mind will reject the idea of enriching the world through unconditional service, and it will refuse to acknowledge the reality of the generative impulse named intent, of which more in a few moments.

FAITH is the only agency through which the cosmic force of Infinite Intelligence3 can be harnessed and used by humanity.

Napoleon Hill, Think and Grow Rich!
3. Infinite Intelligence and intent have very similar meanings. Read about Infinite Intelligence
Read more quotes about faith

Read about unconditional service

Until Transcend the Mundane has been activated, the superpowers Enrich the World and Create the New will be unavailable, primal world will be inaccessible, intent will be absent, and the synthetic form of imagination will prevail.

Newcreators must put logic on hold, quieten negative self-talk, silence the inner critic, set aside scepticism and proceed with playful curiosity, an experimental attitude and trusting acceptance. Proof will show up along the way, vindicating earlier faith.

Stages of faith development

  1. Intuitive-Projective: confusion and of high impressionability through stories and rituals (pre-school period).
  2. Mythic-Literal: provided information is accepted to conform with social norms (school-going period).
  3. Synthetic-Conventional: the faith acquired is concreted in the belief system with the forgoing of personification and replacement with authority in people or groups that represent one’s beliefs (early late adolescence).
  4. Individuative-Reflective: the person critically analyzes adopted and accepted faith with existing systems of faith. Disillusion or strengthening of faith happens in this stage. Based on needs, experiences, and paradoxes (early adulthood).
  5. Conjunctive faith: people realize the limits of logic and, facing the paradoxes or transcendence of life, accept the “mystery of life” and often return to the sacred stories and symbols of the pre-acquired or re-adopted faith system. This stage is called negotiated settling in life (mid-life).
  6. Universalizing faith: this is the “enlightenment” stage where the person comes out of all the existing systems of faith and lives life with universal principles of compassion and love and in service to others for uplift, without worries and doubt (middle-late adulthood, 45–65 years old and beyond). [This is the kind of faith that Newcreators seek to attain.]
No hard-and-fast rule requires that people pursue faith by going through all six stages. There is a high probability for people to be content and fixed in a particular stage for a lifetime; stages 2–5 are such stages. Stage 6 is the summit of faith development. This state is often considered as “not fully” attainable.

Sourced from a past Wikipedia entry for Faith, itself based on the work of James W. Fowler. Wikipedia contributors have since reworked the text and incorporated it into the Wikipedia entry for James W. Fowler. Read more here: The Stages of Faith According to James W. Fowler by Thomas Armstrong.

The power of Openness

The creative power Openness establishes a connection to the unmanifest realm, the realm of possibility, and to the originating aspect of intent, which is concerned with initiating new creations.

Openness is a state of being and therefore hard to put into words, but it’s something like being inviting, receptive and hospitable.

When you are in the state of Openness, it is as though the top of your head is a satellite dish, receiving signals from who knows where.

The power of Groundedness

The creative power Groundedness establishes a connection to the manifest realm, the realm of actuality, and to the fulfilling aspect of intent, which seeks to bring these creations to fruition and fully realise their value generation potential.

When you are in the state of Groundedness, it is as though you have a tail extending from your tailbone to the ground beneath your feet.

With the power of Groundedness activated, you are ready to say ‘Yes’ to whatever you may be called on to undertake, and prepared for action.

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External websites

Four Stages of Groundedness, by John J. Prendergast

This website

How Newcreators use mind, body and spirit to create the new and enrich the world

Seven creative powers and three superpowers

The three superpowers

• Transcend the mundane

Create the New

Enrich the World

Transcend the mundane: what, why and how

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