Intent This is the directing of will by the protocol of the energy that moves in our spirit as human beings, not our mind-ego. The movement of intent comes from a deep understanding of, and a deep synchronicity with the interior powers of the life-force. Intent has an unmistakable character, and it is something to be known, not to be described. Intent was also described1 as being the position of the assemblage point that gave way to “silent knowledge” – the point of awareness that modern-day man has abandoned by yielding to the alignment of reason.
1. This may appear contradictory, but we are in leftside, the mundane world of description.
Love is the drive towards the unity of the separated.
Paul Tillich, theologian, cited by Adam Kahane, Radical Collaboration to Transform Social Systems: Moving Forward Together with Love, Power, and Justice (pdf), in Journal of Awareness-based Systems Change, Volume 3, Issue 2, pp. 23-40
We gravitate to the observable, the testable and the verifiable. Perhaps this is a constant throughout history, though — an immutable human instinct: this near-inability to engage with the truly abstract and unobservable, the preference to focus on the immediate and tangible.
Oliver Bateman, The arrogance of dismissing aliens, on UnHerd website
The best innovations — both socially and economically — come from the pursuit of ideals that are noble and timeless: joy, wisdom, beauty, truth, equality, community, sustainability and, most of all, love. These are the things we live for, and the innovations that really make a difference are the ones that are life-enhancing. And that’s why the heart of innovation is a desire to re-enchant the world.
Gary Hamel, Innovation starts with the heart, not the head, on Harvard Business Review website (subscribe / register for limited access / contact me)
We can learn to link with a stream of Creative Action so fully that it seems that all we think and do originates from within ourselves, rather than from the eternal realm. This degree of rapport and unification with Creative Action is exhilarating and deeply satisfying.
Edward Matchett, industrial design and create-the-new pioneer
Through the faculty of creative imagination, the finite mind of man has direct communication with Infinite Intelligence. It is the faculty through which ‘hunches’ and ‘inspirations’ are received. It is by this faculty that all basic, or new ideas are handed over to man.
Napoleon Hill in his 1937 bestseller Think and Grow Rich!
What we need is a theory of psychology which tells us where new ideas come from and a theory of society which tells us when new ideas are likely to have social effect and delineates the mechanisms through which that effect operates. As far as I know we do not have either of these theories.
Source: At the Edge of the Modern, or Why is Prospero Shakespeare’s Greatest Creation? (pdf; 23pp) by William L. Benzon, Ph.D., Johns Hopkins University, in Journal of Social and Evolutionary Systems 21(3), January 2009
The unmanifest is Brahman, the Absolute, the pure and formless ground of being from which creation and manifestation arise. As such, the unmanifest is free from change, the unmoved mover. It also, necessarily, cannot be explained or comprehended in terms of any manifest reality.
Source: Wikipedia — entry deleted but captured here
I understand that matter, feelings and thoughts belong to the world of opposites2. If we become aware of how they act in us, we transcend these three levels of the material world and embark on the way to the 4th level3. In the same way, LIGHT4 is then able to flood down from above, uniting the three lower levels with its radiance.
Lili Strausz, Talking with Angels, Dialogue 32
2. The world of opposites is mundane world. See also next quote.
3. The fourth level corresponds with the creative power of Faith.
4. Light corresponds with intent.
From the moment we become all tonal we begin making pairs. We sense our two sides, but we always represent them with items of the tonal. We say that the two parts of us are the soul and the body. Or mind and matter. Or good and evil. God and Satan. We never realize, however, that we are merely pairing things on the island, very much like pairing coffee and tea, or bread and tortillas, or chili and mustard. I tell you, we are weird animals. We get carried away and in our madness we believe ourselves to be making perfect sense.
Don Juan Matus in conversation with Carlos Castaneda | See The Totality of Oneself: The Tonal and the Nagual
THE WARRIOR’S LOVE Love has many meanings for warriors; the great unconditional love of warriors is their love of this earth, this world; unconditional love is one of the bridges between the great contradictions of the warriors’ world; the warriors’ conditional feelings of love are part of the boundaries that human feelings create around things of this world; the warriors’ unconditional love grows out of a detachment from the first attention5 and its agendas.
Source: Tomas, from the glossary forming part of Creative Victory, a discourse on the collected works of Carlos Castaneda
5. First attention corresponds with leftside and mundane world.
We have seen that there are only two parts of your mind. One is ruled by the ego, and is made up of illusions. The other is the home of the Holy Spirit, where truth abides.
Source: A Course in Miracles, Lesson 66 | Download A Course in Miracles in its entirety
“One can say that the nagual accounts for creativity,” [Don Juan] finally said and looked at me piercingly. “The nagual is the only part of us that can create.”
He remained quiet, looking at me. I felt he was definitely leading me into an area I had wished he would elucidate further. He had said that the tonal did not create anything, but only witnessed and assessed. I asked how he explained the fact that we construct superb structures and machines.
“That’s not creativity,” he said. “That’s only molding.”
Source: The tonal and the nagual, excerpted from Tales of Power by Carlos Castaneda.
… reason gets a C when it comes to the inner world, because the rational mind doesn’t even know where an idea comes from, much less the source of creativity, insight, love, beauty, imagination, and many other aspects of mind. Consciousness cannot be explained objectively, despite the hopes and claims of neuroscience. The brain functions like a radio, delivering the music of the mind, as it were.”
Deepak Chopra, A New View of Human Creativity | Read more about the radio metaphor
Love is the fruit of the spirit.
Rev. Richard Schwartz
Reason is, and ought only to be the slave of the passions, and can never pretend to any other office than to serve and obey them.
David Hume
… it occurred to me that I had become a seer — what is defined as essentially someone who sees things as they are, not as we believe they are, or as we think they are, but the reality behind the reality, the man behind the curtain, the world outside the box.
[That] is when I finally understood that being a seer is really nothing more than being permanently outside the belief systems that otherwise hold the world together. Or, more precisely, the belief systems that create what is commonly called the foreign installation6 — the predominant series of beliefs and practices that influence, guide and ultimately control human behavior. The end result of being outside the box is that the world and everything in it becomes essentially transparent. That isn’t to say I can tell you the winning lottery numbers or the precise date on which the collapse of civilization as we know it will occur. What it does mean is that it becomes possible to discern shit from shinola, truth from lies, seekers from pretenders, and on down the line.6. Foreign Installation: “If it can be perceived that the consensual reality possesses a rudimentary ‘hive mind’, it then becomes possible to see that this hive mind is predatory in nature, in that it invades and usurps the individual unless the individual has mastered extreme awareness. In other words we may be ‘taken over’ by the consensual hive, whose primary agenda is to preserve its static status quo. Other – more extreme – definitions have been offered for the predatory mind, and may in fact, have truth as well.”
Della Van Hise | View source
What if instead of taming people, we trained them to be more skillful at being wild?
Euvie Ivanova, co-founder of Future Thinkers, on Twitter / X
The first attention basically consists of everything that ordinary man considers it means to be human. It is the reality that has been constructed and developed in order to deal with the daily world and encompasses an awareness restricted to the physical body.
Lorraine Voss, Female Warrior | view
We are living in a society which is a temple dedicated to the rational man.
Ram Dass, Be Here Now
The problems in the world stem from the difference between how we think and how the world works.
Gregory Bateson
As the Toltecs tell us, true creativity does not belong to the tonal. It springs from the incomprehensible nagual.
Tomas, Creative Victory
The intuitive mind is a sacred gift and the rational mind is a faithful servant. We have created a society that honours the servant and has forgotten the gift.
Based on Albert Einstein and Bob Samples — see Quote Investigator | Sourced via Iain McGilchrist
There seems to be an endless stream of thought leaders and consultants who claim to have engineered a more “scientific” approach to business. Yet they, just like the positivists, always seem to fall short. Unfortunately, the real world defies logic.
Greg Satell, Why Business Defies Logic
Anyone who values truth should stop worshipping reason.
Jonathan Haidt, The Righteous Mind
Seeing enables warriors to understand that decisions really don’t belong to the world of the tonal. Human beings don’t control their choices in the way the description of the world trains them to believe they do. Decisions belong to the nagual, where the concepts of control and reason have no meaning. As human beings who walk the earth, we choose and yet we do not choose. This is another fundamental contradiction of the warrior’s path of knowledge.
Tomas, Creative Victory
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