Intent is the generative impulse that streams from the unmanifest into the manifest through the gap in time.

Intent at the impersonal and personal levels
Read more: The truly new comes from nothing

Intent has two aspects.

One is the originating aspect, concerned with initiating the new.

The other is the fulfilling aspect, concerned with bringing to fullness that which has been created.

Channeling intent

The table below provides more detail about the two aspects.
Aspect AAspect B
Newcreate designationOriginating aspectFulfilling aspect
Concerned withInitiating the newBringing to fullness
Corresponding withThe unmanifest
Possibility: what could be
Creating world
The manifest
Actuality: what is
Created world
How we connect with this aspectOpennessGroundedness
Radio metaphor
(read more
Aerial symbol
Aerial / Antenna
Earth symbol

Earth / Ground
Hinduism, TaoismYangYin
Hinduism, TantraShivaShakti
CosmologyBig bangEvolution
EpistemologyThe unknowableThe known

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External websites

If You Say ‘Science Is Right,’ You’re Wrong, by Naomi Oreskes, on Scientific American website

This website

Intent: the radio metaphor

Intent: related terms

The tonal and the nagual

Transcend the mundane, create the new and enrich the world

The truly new comes from nothing

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