Intent is the generative impulse that streams from the unmanifest into the manifest through the gap in time.
Read more: The truly new comes from nothing
Intent has two constituents. One is the originating aspect, which seeks to initiate new creations. The other is the fulfilling aspect, which seeks to bring these creations to fruition and fully realise their value generation potential.
The table below shows terms with meanings that are identical or similar to that of intent.
Intent | Jack Martin Leith |
Intent | Don Juan Matus via Carlos Castaneda |
Divine energy | Don Juan Matus via Carlos Castaneda |
The abstract | Tomas, Creative Victory |
The force which sustains the universe | Tomas, Creative Victory |
The element that propels the warrior | Tomas, Creative Victory |
The spirit | Tomas, Creative Victory |
The indescribable | Tomas, Creative Victory |
The flow of things | Tomas, Creative Victory |
The pervasive force that causes us to perceive | Tomas, Creative Victory |
Power | Tomas, Creative Victory |
The force that permeates everything | Tomas, Creative Victory |
What makes the world | Tomas, Creative Victory |
Infinite Intelligence | Napoleon Hill |
Light | Talking with Angels |
Media — the perpetual emanations and creative action of the one source of Creation | Edward Matchett |
Primal media | Edward Matchett |
Eternal media | Edward Matchett |
Creative Energy | Edward Matchett |
Creative Action (of the eternal) | Edward Matchett |
Divine wisdom | Edward Matchett |
A non-material formative force | Edward Matchett |
Primal power of the cosmos | Edward Matchett |
A universal power outside of ourselves, a life-force which is the primal creative power of the universe | Edward Matchett |
A beam | Edward Matchett |
Transcendent purpose | Unitarian Universalist Association |
Élan vital / Vital impetus | Henri Bergson |
Āyus / life principle | Sanskrit |
Spirit | Various |
Life force | Various |
Vital essence | Various |
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