What is Newcreate?

Newcreate is an ‘enrich the world’ way of thinking, doing and being.

Newcreators are dedicated to transcending the mundane, creating the new and enriching the world with value, meaning and joy.

Newcreate is not a prescriptive method, process or practice.

It is not a consulting firm, training provider or commercial venture of any kind.

The word Newcreate can be deployed as a modifier. For example, a Newcreate project is create-the-new project having the purpose of enriching the world with value, meaning and joy.

Who is Newcreate for?

Newcreate is for people who want to transcend the mundane, create the new and enrich the world with value, meaning and joy.

What are the origins of Newcreate?

Newcreate is the product of my long-running inquiry into how the new comes into being, beyond models and methods.

I translated theoretical knowledge into practical action during the 30 years I spent as a co-creation consultant working in the areas of collaborative problem solving, innovation and change.

Inspiration and insight came from many sources, in particular:

The book Talking with Angels also played an important role.

The inquiry continues, involving extensive study, discussion, experimentation and real-world application.

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How Newcreators use mind, body and spirit to create the new and enrich the world

About Jack Martin Leith

The origins of Newcreate

What is Newcreate based on?

Newcreate is based on the premise that we are here to create the new and enrich the world, or a particular piece of it, with value, meaning and joy. And not only is this what we are here for — it is also what we are equipped to do.

Newcreators use mind, body and spirit to transcend the mundane, imagine what could be, create the new and realise the value generation potential of that which has been created.

On this website, my unwitting co-contributors and I voice ideas that could easily be dismissed as spiritual fiction, pseudoscientific fallacy or utopian fantasy.

Valuable insights might be rejected just because they were voiced by Carlos Castaneda (“He made it all up!”), Napoleon Hill (“A conman!”), angels (“They don’t exist!”) or some other controversial source.

When cynicism intrudes, remember these wise words from Matt Taylor, co-originator of DesignShop:
The only valid test of an idea, concept, or theory is what it enables you to do.

What do you mean when you talk about faith?
Faith is essential to the Newcreator — the kind of faith described below by Jay B. Gaskill and Peter A. Georgescu.

Faith is a much-abused term, often derided in modern secular circles as the blind obedience to some arbitrary authority. But it has a wiser and more useful meaning: faith as a critical but curious mind’s readiness to adopt a reality model (even if provisionally) for which there is less than absolute, empirical proof. I propose that this kind of faith is the necessary adaptation by any rational rational to the challenges of life in the real world in which reality presents us with far too much, far too quickly. Events, personalities and relationships that carry embedded meaning and value are not the sorts of existents that can pass any rigid absolute-empirical-proof test. All trust relationships contain a measure of faith.

Jay B. Gaskill, The Dialogic Imperative

Faith represents an existential commitment of the heart, a way of life, a set of behaviors and emotional responses woven into every hour of everyday life — expressed through constant choices both when alone and in social situations.

Peter A. Georgescu, Faith isn’t irrational, but beliefs may be, on Huffington Post | Peter A. Georgescu is Chairman Emeritus of advertising agency network Young & Rubicam, Inc.
Read more quotes about faith
Are you religious?


I attended a Church of England primary school but abandoned Christianity in my teens.

Later in life, I practised Nichiren Buddhism for several years and went on to explore Taoism and Tantra.

I have been a consultant in residence at Findhorn Foundation, the long-established ecovillage and spiritual community located in Scotland, where I trained as a facilitator of The Transformation Game, subsequently hosting many Transformation Game workshops.

I also spent some time at Gondwana Sanctuary, an intentional community situated near Byron Bay in Australia, where many community members are devotees of Osho (aka Bhagwan Shree Rajneesh).

Although I embrace many Christian principles, I am not a Christian. I would find Christianity much more appealing if it were stripped of its dogmas, rituals and anthropomorphism of God.

Today, I might describe myself as an agnostic — “a person who believes that nothing is known or can be known of the existence or nature of God” (view source) — although I tend to avoid such labels.

How can I become a Newcreator?

The only way to become a Newcreator is by initiating a create-the-new project and following the guidance appearing in the 60+ pages of this website, particularly that contained within the article How to put Newcreate into practice.

I am happy to answer any questions you may have. Please use the contact form located here.

Is there a newsletter or some other way of staying connected?
No, but you can connect with me on LinkedIn if you wish.
Is content on this website protected by copyright?

Website content that I created is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International license (view). This license does not extend to text excerpts and images drawn from external sources.

The originators of externally-sourced materials have been acknowledged, with links to the relevant sources provided when available.

If you have any questions or concerns, please send me a note.

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