There are about 270 free-to-view videos featuring Dr. Iain McGilchrist and his work that can be found on the Internet.

Read about Iain McGilchrist and his theory of brain hemisphere differences

During the early part of 2024, I identified these videos and embedded them in a set of four website pages with the videos arranged in alphabetical order by title, forming a resource I named Iain McGilchrist Videos Complete.

More recently, I created an additional page dedicated to new video releases.

The result was satisfying but not very useful. The three alpha-order pages didn’t really help people unless they were seeking a particular video and knew its title – in which case they would go straight to YouTube.

Further, having so many videos embedded in each page meant that they loaded very slowly and consumed a lot of computing power. My operating system crashed on a daily basis and things must have been very frustrating for website visitors.

So I’ve made some changes.

  1. The three alpha-order pages have been removed.
  2. The fourth page, displaying a set of 29 videos in which Iain McGilchrist discusses his book The Matter of Things with Àlex Gómez-Marín, has been retained with the title Understanding The Matter with Things — Dialogues.
  3. Selected videos in which Iain McGilchrist talks about The Master and His Emissary and The Matter with Things can now be viewed on the page named Resources for people exploring Iain McGilchrist’s work.
  4. Free-to-view videos released during the past six months are embedded in the page you are currently viewing.
    Jump ahead to the month shortcuts

If you are seeking a specific video and know its title, you will probably find it in one or both of these locations:

Channel McGilchrist — free-to-view videos

Iain McGilchrist’s YouTube channel

Note that the two sources overlap considerably.

Podcasts can be found towards the bottom of this page.

Please note that, with a couple of exceptions, I am not the author of the descriptive text, most of which I sourced from either Iain McGilchrist or YouTube.

Jack Martin Leith
Newcreate originator


May releases

June releases

July releases

August releases

September releases

October releases

I am updating this facility on a rolling basis, removing May entries when November arrives and so on, month by month.


Asymmetrical Reconciliation

Iain McGilchrist in conversation with Andrea Hiott

This engaging conversation delves deep into the philosophical and neurological exploration of asymmetry, flow, and the unity within the diversity of existence. Through the metaphor of a whirlpool, the intricate dance between differentiation and integration within consciousness and existence is discussed. Beginning with the enchanting metaphor of a whirlpool as emblematic of life’s flow and transient nature, participants ponder how limitations and resistances give birth to beauty and form, tying this seamlessly to human existence. They explore the significance of asymmetry in the brain, the importance of intuition, imagination, and the dangers of a narcissistically driven society dominated by left-hemisphere thinking. The discussion touches on themes of poetry, nature, the sacred, and ultimately, the interconnectedness of life, suggesting that recognizing and embracing these connections enriches our understanding and experience of the world. The conversation sensitively concludes with reflections on life, death, and the perpetual influence of our existence on the flow of the universal consciousness.

Relative to Dr McGilchrist’s work, in this video we discuss the coincidence of opposites, William Blake’s ladder as a spiral and its significance. We explore flow as asymmetry & the whirlpool of unity that is existence. We ultimately relate this to the power of poetry to touch us in wholeness without saying oppositions directly — we discuss his poetry series during Covid and the beautiful first and last poems of that series by the wonderful Kathleen Raine. It becomes a very moving and powerful conversation and I am very thankful for it. – Andrea Hiott

Andrea Hiott is a philosopher who advises various organizations such as Holon Labs and the Active Inference Institute. She is an author of numerous books linking mind and movement, and has long worked in areas of mobility. She is part of the Ecological Motoring Initiative, an organization which tries to imagine what forms of motoring and movement can meet the needs of the living planet within its means. She did her undergraduate work on Hegel and David Bohm. She has a Master degree in Neuroscience and her PhD is on Way-making, a new philosophy of mind. She is also the host of the Love & Philosophy series, Beyond Dichotomy, Forever Motoring, and the Desirable Unknown.

Visit Andrea Hiott’s website

Running time 1:17:13

A Medicine More Fit for Humanity

2024 John P McGovern Lecture, Duke University, USA

We live in an age in which we cede more and more of life to machines, raising questions for the practice of medicine.

  • What is the calling of medicine?
  • Is it not to heal human beings?
But what does it mean to heal?

  • Is a human being just a body?
  • Is the body just a machine?
  • Is a doctor just a mechanic?
  • Can machines substitute for human skill?
  • Can they erode human skill?
  • How should we think of death?
  • What, after all, is a good life?
It’s unlikely we would all agree on the answers to these questions, but they do all need to be asked. And understanding the role played by lateralization in brain function may guide us towards what are at least better answers to these pressing questions.

Running time 1:29:49

The Paradox Of Consciousness

Iain McGilchrist in conversation with Joseph Newton from the Freedom Pact podcast

Running time 10:37

The Paradox of Living, Finding Awe, and The Drivers of The Mental Health Crisis

Iain McGilchrist in conversation with Joseph Newton from the Freedom Pact podcast

Running time 1:04:16


0:00:00 Hemispheric differences
0:08:30 The epidemic of mental illness
0:13:58 Biohacking, death and finding meaning
0:30:40 Meditate on your mortality
0:40:45 Don’t make beautiful things explicit
0:46:00 Know thyself or find flow?
0:53:30 What to do If you feel lost, hopeless and depressed
1:01:45 Connect with Iain McGilchrist

Theology, Art, and the Whole Brain: A Conversation

Iain McGilchrist in conversation with Jeremy Begbie, Director, Duke Initiatives in Theology and the Arts

Running time 1:02:23

Surviving the Future: The Deeper Dive

Iain McGilchrist in conversation with Shaun Chamberlin

Shaun Chamberlin (pictured) is an author, activist, educator, and leader of Sterling College’s 10-week Surviving the Future program.

Shaun Chamberlin
Running time 1:35:39

We must break the spell of the machine

Iain McGilchrist in conversation with John Bell, The Conciliators Guild, on Civilization and the Divided Mind

Running time 1:19:28


0:00:00 Hubris
0:01:36 Introduction
0:04:35 Brain hemisphere differences
0:12:16 The world of the left hemisphere
0:23:28 The left hemisphere’s war on life
0:30:02 Bureaucratic totalitarianism
0:38:49 Civilizations in balance
0:49:28 Circularity and the coincidence of opposites
0:56:39 The Enlightenment and the Romantics
1:05:20 A return to the sacred
1:11:41 Civilizational suicide
1:17:56 Outro


A Divided Brain and an Addicted World: The Missing Link?

Iain McGilchrist in conversation with Niall McKeever

The Weekend University

Running Time 01:07:51


0:00:00 Intro
0:00:38 Decline of civilization’s roots
0:16:20 Left hemisphere’s impact on society
0:24:17 Spirituality and meaning in society
0:36:20 Left hemisphere’s grip: addiction and control
0:44:35 Values, beauty, and mental well-being
1:00:54 Finding hope in Iain McGilchrist’s insights

Understanding the Brain, Society, and the Meaning of Life

Iain McGilchrist in conversation with John Anderson

In this interview, John speaks with Iain McGilchrist about the differences between the left and right hemispheres of the brain and their impact on our perception of and interaction with the world. Iain explains that the left hemisphere focuses on details and immediate tasks, while the right hemisphere maintains a broad, vigilant awareness of the environment. He discusses how modern society overemphasizes the left hemisphere’s functions, leading to a loss of meaning, beauty, and wisdom. Iain highlights the negative consequences of this imbalance, such as bureaucratic thinking and the decline of individual freedoms. He stresses the importance of rediscovering a sense of the sacred, connecting with nature, and fostering compassionate relationships to restore balance and fulfillment in life. The interview concludes with Iain emphasizing that genuine happiness comes from these connections rather than material acquisitions, offering a profound insight into leading a meaningful life.

Running time 56:01


Closer to Home – Voices of Hope in a Time of Crisis

A film by Local Futures and Cyrus Sutton.

Produced and directed by Helena Norberg-Hodge and Anja Lyngbaek. Narrated by Nathalie Kelley.

This 35-minute film is a united call for a new economy, delivered by those who have committed their lives to working for systemic change. We live in a time of multiple crises, from climate chaos, poverty, and war to skyrocketing costs of living. It can seem overwhelming – until we realise that we have the power to change things. ‘Closer to Home’ brings together an extraordinary array of thinkers, writers, and activists from every continent1 to make a simple but revolutionary argument: by reducing the scale of the economy, we can not only stop the rush towards social and ecological breakdown, but restore damaged ecosystems and increase our own personal well-being. It’s a message of hope that the world cannot afford to ignore.

1. Iain McGilchrist appears at 29:38.

Running time 33:41

Hemispheric Lateralisation, Relationality, Being

Iain McGilchrist in conversation with Darius Parvizi-Wayne, Department of Psychology, Royal Holloway, University of London.

Active Inference Institute | Active Inference Insights 023

For this special episode of Active Inference Insights, Darius Parvizi-Wayne is joined by psychiatrist, philosopher and literary scholar, Iain McGilchrist. Dr McGilchrist is best known for his account of the bilateral brain and the impact of hemispheric specialisation on personal, lived experience, as well as the unfolding of cultural epochs. In today’s episode, Darius and Dr McGilchrist discuss the nature of attention, the primacy of relationality, consciousness and its connection to matter, as well as much more. We [Active Inference Institute] apologise for the moments in which the audios overlapped. No rudeness was intended; unfortunately, the WiFi was erratic at times, leading to such audio issues.

Running time 1:59:20

Mind, Metaphysic and Meaning

Iain McGilchrist, Mark Solms and Hyman Schipper in conversation

In this instalment, we explore the insights of three brilliant minds. Dr. Iain McGilchrist, renowned psychiatrist and author, delves into the impact of hemispheric specialization on perception, culture, and society. Professor Mark Solms, a pioneering neuroscientist and psychoanalyst, uncovers the neural foundations of consciousness, emotion, and the unconscious mind. Professor Hyman Schipper, a distinguished philosopher and metaphysician, brings a unique perspective with his research in metaphysics, oxidative stress, brain aging, and neurodegenerative diseases. Join us as we journey through their profound contributions to understanding the nature of reality and existence.

Source: Philosophy Babble, The Great Minds Series.

Running time 1:49:22

Music and the Divided Brain, Part 1

Iain McGilchrist, James Francis Brown and Sara Trickey in conversation.

Part of Hertfordshire Music Festival, hosted by University of Hertfordshire.

We examine the dual nature of music as both a manifestation of creation and recreation, considering the composer’s journey from conception to composition, and the performer’s transformative interpretation.

Running time 1:04:13

Music and the Divided Brain, Part 2

Running time 54:16

What is our culture preventing us from seeing?

IaIn McGilchrist in conversation with Kenny Primrose, host of The Examined Life Podcast

The Examined Life website

Running time 1:10:42


How faith can re-enchant a left-brained world

Iain McGilchrist in conversation with Justin Brierley and Belle Tindall from Seen & Unseen

Iain’s thesis on the left and right hemispheres of the brain has been highly influential. He believes ‘left hemispheric’ thinking has come to dominate much of modern culture in negative ways. He speaks with Belle and Justin about whether we can we re-enchant our view of the world by re-engaging a ‘right hemispheric’ view of life, love and faith.

Running time 1:08:32

Metaphysics & the Matter with Things

An Evening with Iain McGilchrist

Convened by The Center for Process Studies and California Institute of Integral Studies in March 2024, this collaborative three-day conference brought leading process thinkers across various disciplines — including physics, neuroscience, psychology, philosophy, and theology — into critical dialogue with McGilchrist’s work in a collegial effort to assess, question, extend, and apply it.

Running time 1:36:34


Finding Meaning in a World Gone Mad, with Iain McGilchrist

Planet Local Voices interview series | Local Futures

In this episode, Iain McGilchrist’s research on the differences between the left and right hemispheres provide the backdrop for discussions of the human experience of the sublime, and how important that experience is if we are to reestablish social and ecological balance in the world. He discusses his long-standing appreciation for the local, the place-based and the natural, suggesting that these offer avenues towards right-hemisphere aspects of our experience – aspects which have been neglected to our detriment.

Running time 15:53

Brain Hemispheres & Woke

Iain McGilchrist in conversation with Mark Walsh, Embodiment Unlimited

Psychiatrist and author Iain joins me [Mark Walsh] to talk poetry, silos, the two hemispheres of the brain, why we have both, dehumanisation, AI, rules, human medecine, why the body is not a machine, gender, spontaneity, why not to give up, the creativity of science, pseudo-religion, wokeness, postmodernism, the glory of the West, his inner critic, humour, his personal right-brain practices, and what to do about it all.

The Embodiment Channel — YouTube

Running time 55:31


No new free-to-view videos identified as at 7 October 2024.


Iain McGilchrist’s official podcast channel on Spotify

Visit the channel

The Believing Brain: How Iain McGilchrist rediscovered the soul

The Surprising Rebirth of Belief in God podcast, hosted by Justin Brierley.

Listen to the podcast

Running time 1:45:00

Iain McGilchrist in conversation with art historian, writer and curator Julia Friedman.

Hosted by Athenaeum Review.

Listen to the podcast

Running time 1:03:47

Our “wretchedness” is a left-brain issue

Iain McGilchrist in conversation with Sarah Wilson, host of Wild with Sarah Wilson podcast

In this chat we cover why societies start out creative, happy and flourishing (right-brained!) but switch left and destructive as they expand; the secret to living a well and happy life and how to find meaning and beauty in a world we possibly can’t “fix” (in the left-brain sense of the word).

Running time 1:16:00

Listen to the podcast



Re-Enchanting … The Brain

Iain McGilchrist in conversation with Justin Brierley and Belle Tindall

Iain McGilchrist is a psychiatrist, philosopher, and author of the books The Master and His Emissary and The Matter with Things. Iain’s thesis on the left and right hemispheres of the brain has been highly influential. He believes ‘left hemispheric’ thinking has come to dominate much of modern culture in negative ways. He speaks with Belle and Justin about whether we can we re‑enchant our view of the world by re‑engaging a ‘right hemispheric’ view of life, love and faith.

Going live on Wednesdays, The Re-enchanting podcast sees hosts, Justin Brierley and Belle Tindall, talk with guests about how Christianity can re-enchant culture, politics, the arts, the sciences, history, and so much more.

Listen to the podcast

Running time 1:06:00

Rory Stewart — The Long History of Ignorance

Part 6: Wisdom

Iain McGilchrist makes several contributions.

Platform: BBC Sounds.

Listen to the podcast

Running time 28:42

Continue reading

External websites

Channel McGilchrist — a membership platform established by Iain McGilchrist and Mary Attwood, enabling its members to explore, discuss and expand on McGilchrist’s theory of the differences between the left and right hemispheres of the brain and their impact on our perception of and interaction with the world.

Channel McGilchrist — free-to-view videos

Iain McGilchrist — Wikipedia

Iain McGilchrist’s YouTube channel

Left Brain & Right Brain: 20 Brain Hemisphere Differences from “The Master and His Emissary” on website

This website

Creative imagination at work

How Newcreators use mind, body and spirit to create the new and enrich the world

Iain McGilchrist and his theory of brain hemisphere differences

Resources for people exploring Iain McGilchrist’s work

The tonal and the nagual (the tonal corresponds with the left hemisphere, the nagual with the right)

Two forms of imagination: creative and synthetic

Understanding The Matter with Things: Dialogues | 29-episode video collection in which Iain McGilchrist and Àlex Gómez-Marín discuss The Matter with Things, chapter by chapter

Index to entire site (60+ pages)

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