We divide time into three parts — past, present and future. That division is false, absolutely false. Time is really past and future. The present is not part of time. The present is part of eternity. That which has passed is time; that which is to come is time. That which is, is not time, because it never passes — it is always here. The now is always here — it is always here! This now is eternal.
Osho (Bhagwan Shree Rajneesh), in Tantra Spirituality and Sex
Don Juan tells us that eternity is all around us, and that any given moment can become eternity if we use it to take the totality of ourselves forever in any direction. Accepting the responsibility for finding our way to the impossibility of such a moment is the essence of the warrior’s way of being.
Source: Tomas, Creative Victory
Between the end of one moment and the beginning of the next, nothing exists, and the truly new comes from nothing.
Talking with Angels | Dialogue 28
Dialogue with Gitta | Friday December 31, 1943
Alpha – Omega … Omega – Alpha.
Between beginning and end is time.
Between end and beginning is timelessness.
The end of the old year is the beginning of the new.
The end of the old world is the beginning of the new.
Humans have always celebrated
what cannot be celebrated.
The gateway to the narrow path is: Omega – Alpha.
The one who passes through it bodily – in time – steps into death.
The one who passes through it spiritually – beyond time – steps into eternity.
Can you measure time between Omega and Alpha?
A fleeting instant ends – a new instant begins.
Between the two, there is no time.
There is a gateway to eternity:
It opens not at the beginning, but at the end.
The Creator sets in motion
and the new instant is;
the old is no more.
This is visible to all and yet not seen.
The gate is open, but the opening is so narrow
that mortal flesh cannot pass through.
This is the greatest secret:
Every instant – even the instant on the instant –
is an open gate.
Thus you live in the eternal and in the temporal.
You are the ball as well as the player.
Do not pay attention to the beginning:
the beginning is already end.
What begins, ends, and cannot be altered;
for force and matter are already in motion.
Take heed:
The origin of everything, the birthplace of motion,
is between beginning and end end and beginning. 1
The created world is a ball.
The Creator plays with it … gives the ball a push,
that it may return in joy.
Learn this:
There is only one certainty, and that is joy.
Everything can be explained: joy has no explanation.
We cannot explain why we are joyful.
Joy is our task.
What you receive is a source of joy for the joyless.”
1. This seems to be a typesetting error. In order to be consistent with the earlier passages, it should read “between end and beginning”, i.e. between Omega and Alpha. In Dialogue 38, Gitta’s angel says, “The creative act can only spring from the point of eternity.”
Edward Matchett’s 5M equation
Read about industrial designer and Creative Action author Edward ‘Ted’ Matchett
In his earlier work, Matchett used the shorter 3M form: Media plus Matter = Meaning.Appropriate form requires and demands that Media-plus-Matter be Made Meaningful in time 𝛿t (the immediate Moment we label ‘now’).
Source: Edward Matchett, in his Introductory Comment, Creative Action, Second Edition.
Matchett defines meaning as “that which makes life and work truly worthwhile”.
It would be quite good to consider media along the lines of something seeking to manifest through us.
Source: Anthony Blake, who knew and collaborated with Edward Matchett.
Matchett had many names for the generative impulse that streams into the manifest through the narrow path, the gateway to the eternal:
- Media, primal media, eternal media
- Creative Energy
- Creative Action, Creative Action of the eternal
- Divine wisdom | see Experiencing divine wisdom in ordinary living, by Edward Matchett
- A non-material formative force
- Primal power of the cosmos
- A beam
Time 𝛿t
Time 𝛿t (sometimes styled time dt) means delta time, a term employed by physicists and video game designers.
For physicists, some of them at least, delta time is the smallest possible time interval — see for example Is it reasonable and common to interpret dt as a time point (a point in time)? on StackExchange.
The smallest possible time interval is Planck time, roughly 10-43 seconds.
See also the article Zeptosecond — the smallest time unit ever measured on the BBC website.
Some physicists talk about an infinitesimal time interval.
Ed Gerck Ph,D., Planalto Research, on ResearchGate | Comment edited post-publication; click on image or here to view current version
In mathematics, an infinitesimal number is a quantity that is closer to zero than any standard real number, but that is not zero.
Time is not continuous.Jack: Does infinity exist?
ChatGPT: The concept of infinity exists as a mathematical concept and as a philosophical concept. In mathematics, infinity is used to represent a concept of endlessness or an unbounded quantity. It is often symbolized by the symbol (∞). Infinity is employed in various branches of mathematics, such as calculus, set theory, and number theory, to describe limits, infinite sets, and other mathematical concepts.
However, in the physical world, the existence of infinity is a matter of debate and speculation. Some argue that infinity cannot be observed or physically realized because it implies an endless quantity or extent, which goes beyond what is empirically measurable or observable. In physics, for example, theories like general relativity suggest that the universe may be infinite in size, while other cosmological models propose a finite yet unbounded universe.
From a philosophical perspective, infinity has been a subject of contemplation and inquiry for centuries. Philosophers have explored questions about the nature of infinity, its relationship to time, space, and reality, and the limits of human comprehension. The philosophical debate on the existence and nature of infinity is ongoing and multifaceted.
In summary, infinity exists as a mathematical concept with practical applications, but its existence in the physical world and its philosophical implications remain topics of discussion and exploration.
Even God’s clock goes tick tock.
Alfred Karius, in Physics, Maths and Chaos (no longer available)
Deepak Chopra maintains that “Space time and causality are mental constructs based on the measurement of perceptual change around the still point of the present moment” (source: X / Twitter).
When video game designers talk about delta time, they mean the time difference between the previous frame that was drawn and the current frame.The world is a discontinuity, and every experience arises because of the discontinuity. So, what does discontinuity mean? Let me give you an example. If I go to see a movie I see on the screen a continuous picture, but when I go to the projection room I find out that there is a series of still frames with little spaces in between. If I move the reel fast enough, I cannot see the ‘off’: I can only see the ‘on’; so I experience in consciousness a continuity. But the reality is that the movie is a discontinuity. When I see a television programme, I see an image moving from one part of the screen to another part of the screen, but nothing actually moves. Only electrons and photons flash in and out in a certain sequence, and because I cannot see the off, but I can only see the on, then I experience it as a continuity. Scientists believe that perception is possible because of this discontinuity. All the form and phenomena of the universe expresses this ‘on-ing’ and ‘off-ing’, and our senses are such that they can perceive the on and not the off. Yet without the off we would not experience the on.
Source: Flaws of Perception, by Deepak Chopra, in Resurgence magazine, July/August 2005.
Image source and more information: Understanding Delta Time, by Drew Campbell.
If we imagine that each frame of a filmstrip is the smallest unit of time (remember, nothing is continuous in the manifest realm), then the strip of black celluloid between one frame and the next is delta time, gateway to the unmanifest, the source of intent (“the force that creates and animates the universe” – Don Juan Matus), Napoleon Hill’s Infinite Intellligence, Matchett’s media (and synonymous terms) and the light perceived by Light-Awareness.
Read more about Matchett’s 5M equation
Light-Awareness: the seventh sense
Dialogue 69 | Friday August 18, 1944
May you be filled with LIGHT-AWARENESS!The five senses are five stages or degrees:
Matter, the touching hand:
water, which dissolves: taste;
air, subtle matter: smell;
still subtler vibration transmitted by the ear: hearing;
through the fifth sense, the eye, light radiates: sight;
the sixth sense is the union of the five;
the seventh is the seed of AWARENESS.
When these seven no longer take, but GIVE,
the instant is creative.
This Act creates above as below,
“Thy will be done” above as below!
Your task links above and below.
Your task is the creative human element:
May you be filled with LIGHT-AWARENESS!
Awareness is not knowledge.
Awareness is Light:
acting Light, giving Light.
Your eyes are still blind.
The Light still disturbs you, pains;
it is still cold.
The new light sweeps away every belief.
The one who believes in the Divine is mistaken.
May your third eye begin to open!
To become one with the Divine
is still but a possibility.
The vibrations are not yet tuned, united.
Neither you nor the Divine is the cause of this.
The cause is time;
to perceive is time;
To hear is time;
to see is time.
But there is a time beyond time,
a space beyond space,
where you may act,
where you may unite,
where you may live the Human Essence:
Only LOVE acts.
Creative instant, flood of Light,
streaming through the new Eye!
There is no more below, no more above,
there is no more father and no more mother.
Creative instant: GIVING.
The light flows.
Chalice of gold, of translucent gold;
not to be seen,
not to be touched.
Only to be GIVEN.
2. Gitta Mallasz explains: “Hanna is unable to find an appropriate word for the attraction and union of spirit and matter, for the new unifying element. For lack of anything better, she chooses the Hungarian expression értelem (intelligence, mind, meaning). The angel then goes beyond the one-sidedness of this term in adding: “Light-Awareness is, in truth: Love.” For this English edition, we chose the expression Light-Awareness; the German uses Erkennen, whose original meaning includes uniting as well as becoming conscious. For the French translation, the expression co-naissance was used, and for the Italian and Spanish translations, corresponding neologisms. All of these are unfortunately but approaches to a state of being which we are not able to name.” The French term co-naissance (co-birth) indicates clearly that creating the new is a co-creative act and that our co-creation partner is the light (media, infinite intelligence, intent) perceived by the seventh sense.
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If we are to move from relating to the world as fragmented parts to systemic wholes, we must change our basic way of thinking.
Not just what we think, but how we think. The change is:
from abstract and symbolic conception…to acute and profound observation;
from metaphorical thinking…to original and direct inquiry;
from the habit of not looking freshly…to the discipline of finely tuned investigation; and
from reliance on concepts to bring a sense of order to the world…to an open quest to see what’s really there, even if it makes us feel uncomfortable, unsure, insecure, and mystified.
To make this shift, we must move from presuming to know before we look, to looking freshly without the limitation of a concept, metaphor, theory, or history of previous experiences.
Another way to say this is: start with nothing, e.g., without an idea of what we might find.
Robert Fritz, in Reflections, The SoL Journal of Knowledge, Learning and Change, Vol. 5, Number 7 (no longer available online)
The moment of transformation is not an event. It doesn’t have the properties of things or experiences. It has no position, no location in time, no beginning, no middle, and no end. It doesn’t look like anything or feel like anything.
Source: Werner Erhard and Victor Gioscia (view secondary source).
Zero is the incomprehensible number of truth: Everywhere and nowhere.
Conceptual Nothingness, though more real than real, is beyond the limits of the human mind.
Zero and Nothingness are full of energy and intelligence, but cannot be described.
From This Nothingness, all of this Creation arose.
The Nothing is Something, but beyond thought.
From this Zero has all we see hear touch smell taste hear ponder come.
Zero is not the zero the seeker thought.
Zero overtakes the one who has dropped the ego.
There are celestial realms, but they are also borne of Nothingness.
The Secret of Nothingness is that it is everything and much more.
Zero.Source: Tao Te Ching, Verse 1, translated by Jeremy M. Miller | view
The more deeply we study the nature of time, the better we understand that duration means invention, creation of forms, continuous elaboration of the absolutely new.
Ilya Prigogine citing Henri Bergson, in The Nobel Prize in Chemistry 1977
The idea that time is created by the mutual impact of three independent impulses is to be found in various places but never generally accepted or even noticed. For example, the physicist Julian Barbour speaks of the making of a Now in terms of the coalescence of three particles that precedes time and space.
Source: The Legacy of Edward Matchett: Matchett’s 3-M Equation, by Anthony Blake (not available online; please contact me if you would like to receive the essay as a Word document).
[Julian Barbour’s] 1999 book The End of Time advances timeless physics: the controversial view that time, as we perceive it, does not exist as anything other than an illusion, and that a number of problems in physical theory arise from assuming that it does exist. He argues that we have no evidence of the past other than our memory of it, and no evidence of the future other than our belief in it. “Difference merely creates an illusion of time, with each individual moment existing in its own right, complete and whole.” He calls these moments “Nows”. It is all an illusion: there is no motion and no change. He argues that the illusion of time is what we interpret through what he calls “time capsules”, which are “any fixed pattern that creates or encodes the appearance of motion, change or history”.Barbour’s theory goes further in scepticism than the block universe theory, since it denies not only the passage of time, but the existence of an external dimension of time. Physics orders “Nows” by their inherent similarity to each other. That ordering is what we conventionally call a time ordering, but does not come about from “Nows” occurring at specific times, since they do not occur, nor does it come about from their existing unchangingly along the time axis of a block universe, but it is rather derived from their actual content.
The philosopher J. M. E. McTaggart reached a similar conclusion in his 1908 “The Unreality of Time.”
Wikipedia – Julian Barbour
Curt Jaimungal, host of Theories of Everything podcast, in conversation with Julian Barbour
Running time 1:54:13
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External websites
Immediate Learning Method, by Anthony Blake, who developed the method with Edward Matchett
Readers reply: what are thoughts? Where do they come from – and where do they go? (short answer: no one knows) on The Guardian website
There Is No Such Thing as Conscious Thought, by Steve Ayan, on Scientific American website
There Is No Such Thing As Time, by astrophysicist Adam Frank, on Popular Science website
This website
Edward Matchett: industrial designer and Creative Action author
Experiencing divine wisdom in ordinary living, by Edward Matchett
Transcend the mundane: what, why and how
Two forms of imagination: creative and synthetic
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