The human being is something like one of those ancient radios that required an aerial (antenna) and an earth (ground) connection in order to function.

Crystal radio, circuit diagram
The purpose of the metaphorical radio is to channel intent, the generative impulse that streams from the unmanifest into the manifest through the gap in time.

Intent has two aspects. One is the originating aspect, which seeks to initiate new creations. The other is the fulfilling aspect, which seeks to bring these creations to fruition and fully realise their value generation potential.

The ‘radio’ is activated by means of the superpower Transcend the Mundane. This is a synthesis of the creative powers of Faith (residing in the heart), Openness and Groundedness, represented by the three pink discs the image above.

When Transcend the Mundane is activated, the top of our head becomes an imaginary antenna or satellite dish that acts as a receiver of intent’s originating aspect.

Similarly, our tailbone becomes an imaginary earth rod connecting the tailbone to the ground beneath our feet, acting a receiver of the fulfilling aspect.

The superpower Transcend the Mundane gives access to rightside and primal world
Activation of Transcend the Mundane enables activation of the superpower Enrich the World, formed of Imagination and Realisation. With this superpower, we are able to foresee world enrichment possibilities and conceive truly original ideas for new creations with the potential to generate the imagined value, meaning and joy. This superpower also assists us in the work we do to realise the value generation potential of that which has been created.

Activation of Transcend the Mundane also enables activation of the superpower Create the New, formed of Conceptualisation and Manifestation, whereby we are able to flesh out embryonic concepts, give them existence in the manifest realm and introduce our creations to the world at large.

Rupert Sheldrake and David Bentley Hart discuss the concept of fields in physics

Rupert Sheldrake

Rupert Sheldrake PhD is a British biologist, the author of nine books and more than 100 scientific papers, and the co-author of six books. He is best known for his hypothesis of morphic resonance, morphogenetic fields and formative causation. For ten consecutive years, he has been recognized as one of the “most spiritually influential living people in the world” by Watkins Mind Body Spirit magazine.

Read more about Rupert Sheldrake

David Bentley Hart

David Bentley Hart PhD is an American writer, philosopher, religious studies scholar, critic and theologian.

Read more about David Bentley Hart


The heart not only transmits field pulses of electromagnetic energy, it also receives them, like a radio in a car. And like a radio, it is able to decode the information embedded within the electromagnetic fields it senses. It is, in fact, an organ of perception….The electromagnetic field frequencies of the heart are experienced not as colors or tastes, but as emotions….The heart is, in fact, an extremely sensitive sensory organ whose domain is that of feelings. Emotions represent the impact of specific electromagnetic spectrum carrier waves upon us, as colors are the impact of visual carrier waves.

Stephen Harrod Buhner, The Secret Teachings of Plants: The Intelligence of the Heart in the Direct Perception of Nature
Cited in Heresies of the Heart by Tom Morgan

I understand that matter, feelings and thoughts belong to the world of opposites1. If we become aware of how they act in us, we transcend these 3 levels of the material world2 and embark on the way to the 4th level3. In the same way, LIGHT4 is then able to flood down from above, uniting the 3 lower levels with its radiance.

Lili Strausz, Talking with Angels, Dialogue 32
1. “The world of opposites” is another way of saying mundane world.
2. This is labelled Created World in the diagram.
3. The fourth level corresponds with the creative power of Faith, which resides in the heart.
4. Light is similar in meaning to intent.

Rick Beato: Do you write while you’re touring?
Dominic Miller: I don’t write while I’m touring. It doesn’t inspire me so much. I like to write when everything stops. I need to summon the ideas, to turn on the signals. I turn on the wifi. And I go for long walks. And I get into that creative zone. And I open the windows to creativity.

Dominic Miller Wrote The Most Famous Riff Of All Time: YouTube video (1:03:43) featuring Rick Beato and Dominic Miller

My brain is only a receiver. In the Universe there is a core from which we obtain knowledge, strength and inspiration. I have not penetrated into the secrets of this core, but I know that it exists.

Nikola Tesla, via Higher Perspective

… reason gets a C when it comes to the inner world, because the rational mind doesn’t even know where an idea comes from, much less the source of creativity, insight, love, beauty, imagination, and many other aspects of mind. Consciousness cannot be explained objectively, despite the hopes and claims of neuroscience. The brain functions like a radio, delivering the music of the mind, as it were.

Source: A New View of Human Creativity, by Deepak Chopra

An alternative Bergsonian [philosopher Henri Bergson—see below] understanding of the function of the brain is that it acts as a type of “receiver,” somewhat similar to a radio or television set. Drawing upon this second metaphor, Bergson postulates that the neurochemical activity of the brain does not produce consciousness, but rather enables the brain to “tune into” appropriate “frequencies” of preexisting levels of consciousness—that is, the states of consciousness that correspond to waking life, dreaming, deep sleep, trance, as well as, at least potentially, the consciousnesses of other beings. Just as the programs received by a television set are not produced by the electrical activity within the television itself, but rather exist independently of the television set, in the same way, this Bergsonian understanding of the brain/consciousness relationship postulates that consciousness is neither contained within nor produced by the brain.

G. William Barnard in his book Living Consciousness: The Metaphysical Vision of Henri Bergson, p. xxxiii, citing philosopher Henri Bergson
During an appearance on the television show BBC Breakfast, the film composer David Arnold was asked how he goes about composing music. He replied: You walk around with your aerials out and it gets delivered to you. It’s more about feeling it than thinking about it.

Read more quotes from people, most of them writers and composers, about how creative imagination pervades their work.

Imagine that you are a Kalahari Bushman and that you stumble upon a transistor radio in the sand. You might pick it up, twiddle the knobs, and suddenly, to your surprise, hear voices streaming out of this strange little box. … Now let’s say you begin a careful, scientific study of what causes the voices. You notice that each time you pull out the green wire, the voices stop. When you put the wire back on its contact, the voices begin again. … You come to a clear conclusion: The voices depend entirely on the integrity of the circuitry. At some point, a young person asks you how some simple loops of electrical signals can engender music and conversations, and you admit that you don’t know—but you insist that your science is about to crack that problem at any moment.

David Eagleman in his book Incognito: The Secret Lives of The Brain, cited in Your Brain Might be a Radio, by Jeffrey Kripal, in The Chronicle Review and republished in Utne Reader. David Eagleman is a neuroscientist and writer at Baylor College of Medicine, where he directs the Laboratory for Perception and Action and the Initiative on Neuroscience and Law.

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External websites

If You Say ‘Science Is Right,’ You’re Wrong, by Naomi Oreskes, on Scientific American website

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How Newcreators use mind, body and spirit to create the new and enrich the world

Intent: related terms

Intent’s dual aspects

Seven creative powers and three superpowers

Transcend the mundane, create the new and enrich the world

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